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6 marzo 2013 3 06 /03 /marzo /2013 22:23

Con voce commossa il Vice Presidente, Nicolas Maduro, ha comunicato al popolo attraverso un discorso tenuto in Tv che Hugo Chavez è morto. A 58 anni, a causa di un grave cancro. Il Venezuela è sotto shock. Il rito funebre si terrà venerdì.


 Caracas – Una lotta contro il cancro durata quasi due anni, il Presidente venezuelano non ce l’ha fatta. È deceduto martedì a Caracas. Il Vice Presidente Nicolas Maduro ha annunciato la notizia  sul tardo pomeriggio (ora locale) su tutte le televisioni e stazioni radio.

Tra le lacrime Maduro ha detto che il Presidente Chavez è morto alle 16:25 all’Ospedale Militare di Caracas. Ha citato il cantautore venezuelano Alì Primera: “Coloro che muoiono per la vita, non possono definirsi morti”, spiegando che “è proibito piangere fin d’ora”. Con voce commossa, ha detto Maduro che “è un momento di profondo dolore”.


die-reaktionen-der-venezolaner-auf-chavez-tod-foto-copia-1.jpg   Disperazione tra i venezuelani.


Alla luce della tragedia, ha rivolto un appello “a tutti gli uomini e donne affinché si preservino la pace e il rispetto per la Patria. Noi, tanto i civili quanto i militari, accogliamo la sua eredità, le sfide da lui intraprese, il suo progetto, unitamente a tutto il popolo porteremo con dignità la sua bandiera”.

Sono stati proclamati sette giorni di lutto nazionale in Venezuela, la camera ardente sarà aperta fino a venerdì, giorno in cui si terranno i funerali. Mercoledì la salma verrà portata all’Accademia Militare.


die-reaktionen-der-venezolaner-auf-chavez-tod-fotostrecke-9.jpg   Hugo Chavez.


Maduro esercita da subito la più alta carica di Stato, entro trenta giorni si terranno le nuove elezioni. “Saremo degni eredi di un Grande”, ha assicurato Maduro, che era stato scelto da Chavez come suo successore. Esercito e Polizia sono mobilitati, a “difesa e protezione del popolo”.

Capriles, leader dell’opposizione, ha rivolto in serata un appello all’unità, manifestando alla famiglia e ai sostenitori di Chavez il proprio cordoglio. “ In un momento così difficile dobbiamo mostrare profondo amore e rispetto per il nostro Paese”. Il portale notizie “Noticias24” ha riportato il titolo: “Hugo Chavez, il Cristo degli Eserciti in America Latina, è morto”.


die-reaktionen-der-venezolaner-auf-chavez-tod-foto-copia-2.jpg  Manifestanti in corteo.


La folla venezuelana si è riversata nelle strade dando espressione al proprio dolore e organizzando cortei con motociclette. L’ospedale di Caracas, nel quale Chavez ha perso la battaglia contro il cancro, è diventato meta di pellegrinaggio, centinaia di persone si sono ritrovate martedì davanti all’edificio, piangendo insieme e lanciando appelli in coro: “Tutti siamo Chavez!”. Bandiere e cartelli di rifiuto agli “Chavistas” riportavano le parole “Chavez e la rivoluzione, la lotta continua!”

Nel frattempo, il Presidente degli Stati Uniti Obama si è espresso sottolineando l’interesse del suo Paese nella costruzione di una relazione proficua con il Venezuela. Obama aveva già spiegato lunedì che il sistema immunitario del Capo di Stato cinquantottenne si era indebolito al punto che un’infezione gli è stata fatale.

Chavez si era sottoposto l’11 Dicembre a Cuba al quarto intervento chirurgico, da allora erano state pubblicate soltanto un paio di foto che lo ritraevano nel letto d’ospedale.

Prima della partenza per Cuba, Chavez aveva designato Maduro come suo successore.


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26 aprile 2012 4 26 /04 /aprile /2012 20:31

Seven milliard people, it’s a growing tendency. The world population grows more and more. A team of illustrious researchers today shows helping measures for both people and environment. Their proposals include strict cuts.

Every 5 days, since the present day up to 2050, the world population will be growing up  as if a new city with 1 million inhabitants comes to shows up in a developing Country. This is a metaphor to picture the data: at the present time the world population is increasing 80 million individuals per year and this phenomenon is particularly remarkable in the poorest areas of the world.

Is it possible to share the last sources of our planet in an equal way, so that even 8, 10 or 11 milliards people could live a decent  life? And how could we restrain the population growth? A team of researchers under the English Royal Society presents a catalogue of measures meant to help both the human genre and the Earth to preserve themselves for the next 100 years.

The researchers keep from saying anything about a data: how many people the Earth can, let’s say, include in itself. This depends mostly on how people live and how much they consume.

The human presence on the planet appear to be pretty worrying, as the scientists of the Nobel Prize for the Medicine John Sulston (Manchester University) write. In the wealthy Countries of the planet consumes enormously exceed the sustainable levels for the 7 milliards people living today in the world. In the same time, 1,3 milliards of them live below the poverty line, living with less than $1,25 per day.

Less consumes, better education opportunities

The researchers see this as the first challenge to face for people:

§  Life conditions for the poorest people should be improved. To do this it’s necessary – as the researchers advice – that the population in the developing Countries slow down their increasing growth. This would help to avoid catastrophes due to hunger, moreover a better healthy service should be possible in the poorest areas of the world.

§  The second point focuses on the industrialization and the emerging markets issue, whose production and consuming level are constantly increasing. Consumers should pay the main cost of the goods they buy, as the scientists suggest. In the same time, they also underline that the renewable energy and the efficient recycling are to be reinforced. In short, deforestation and other activities that may damage the environment should get limited.

§  Third aspect: scientists point on the population growth. Coercive measures don’t work, they say. However, the demand of contraceptives is getting so bigger that it is hard to face it adequately. Better educational programs are therefore important: people who got a high education live longer and healthier and they also are in the condition to decide if and how many children to have.

§  Finally, the researchers remind that the population growth and the environment issues shouldn’t be considered as two separated themes.

Goals are hard to achieve. That the sustainable use of the sources can be reached only through a joined international action, is by now very clear. It is, therefore, necessary -  as these researchers write – a politic long term guideline focused on ongoing goals. This is one of the issues that the Governments will debate soon in the Rio+20-Gipfel in next June.



Babies in a clinic in India: 1,2 milliards people live in the Asiatic subcontinent.   


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24 aprile 2012 2 24 /04 /aprile /2012 11:27

Pictures from the satellites to celebrate the Earth Day.

All the changing happening on our Earth are reported by satellites through their pictures: the occasion is the Earth Day on 22nd April.

The main changing aspects are on the climate field as well as on human actions and natural events like inundations, earthquakes, tsunamis. Nasa together with Esa (European Space Agency) show us spectacular images that talk about the deep climate and territorial changing on our planet’s surface. There is a contribute from Italy too: one of the satellite, Cosmo SkyMed of the program of Asi (Agenzia Spaziale Italiana) spread the image of the Amazon rainforest in the National Park of Yasuni, Ecuador. This small stripe of forest is the richest area in terms of biodiversity in all the world, with its over 2.200 different species of reptiles, amphibians and over 100.000 species of insects.


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Glaciers on Cervino Mountain (on the border line between Italy and Switzerland) from 1960 up to 2005 (Source: Panopticon Gallery, Boston)


The photo gallery released by the American space agency, on the other hand, shows how the Earth has been changing through a comparison between past and present. For example, there are images of the impact by dams, in West Mali a dam has been radically transforming the landscape all over 30 years; in the same time, the rainforest in Baban Rafi (Niger) has been getting smaller and smaller, whereas in Uganda Kampala City has been growing up enormously.




Increasing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere from 2004 up to 2007 (Source: NASA/JPL)


Between 1986 and 2002 a few sides of the glaciers in Patagonia got about 10 km smaller, and in 2010 an iceberg in Greenland, which was 4 times Manhattan large, detached from the main glacier called Petermann. Large areas of the planet are subjects to hard deforestations like in Bolivia, where between 1980’s and 2000 a big portion of the tropical forest east of Santa Cruz de la Sierra was reduced to cropland. The images from the satellites show so clearly also the phenomenon of the water receding of Ciad lake, Africa: during the 1960’s this lake was the sixth among the biggest ones in the world, nowadays it is 20 times smaller.


1335074829637 ciad[1]

Water reducing in Ciad Lake from 1973 up to 2002 (Source: U.S. Department of the Interior/ U.S. Geological Survey. Taken from the USGS Landsat Missions Gallery)

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23 aprile 2012 1 23 /04 /aprile /2012 11:52

Climbing on Etna, sure, and following the traces of the movie “The Godfather”. But that in Sicily there are ski slopes and glaciers is something that not everyone knows. Especially in spring time a charming visit to Sicily turns out to be even more amazing thanks to the warm climate.

 Taormina – “Warning! Glaciers” says a road sign. Maybe it is only a joke by someone who just wants to laugh at the tourists visiting Sicily during spring time and Easter time, oppressed by an asthma attack after climbing on Etna driving for miles with a rental car! This road sign shows up just before each curve and winding. Actually from December up to March and April it really has its meaning to be.

After the long summer, snow and ice transform the very high mountains in Sicily into winter landscapes  of a rare beauty, so that they cheat on ships crossing the sea with their white color so pure and shining under the sun light. On two mountains there are ski slopes both for beginners and advanced skiers on blue, red and red & black slopes, where they can go speedy up to 1500 altitude. On the other hand, 30 km down Taormina lays just at the feet of Etna, ready to celebrate the charming spring time.

The traditional cuisine

One of the typical products of the Island shows all its resistance to weather and time: plants come back to life showing up their blossoms from cracks, stone walls, verges of the roads and parapets like every year. The manual harvesting of capers, together with the coarse salt, vinegar and oil of olive, represent the spices and the flavors that features the classic Italian cuisine the most. Fish such as the stockfish comes to be seasoned with flavors resembling the Arabian influence in Sicily from past centuries, bringing on table a combo of stuffed sardines, sauces, hazelnuts, pine nuts and sweets. Tomatoes, capers and olives add new aromas to recipes that are particularly dedicated to the Christmas time and that include also potatoes and celeries.


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22 aprile 2012 7 22 /04 /aprile /2012 15:36

Multimedia Special: Titanic was considered as the pride of the shipbuilding industry, on board wealthy passengers were housed in the sumptuous luxury of all times. Here’s how the giant of the Seas sank in the Atlantic ocean.

At first glance, Titanic sinking is just one of the many other shipping accidents happened in the history. In the ranking of the worst sea disasters is not even listed among the top ten. In the next decades, bigger accidents actually happened, such as the Philippine ferry Doña Paz that sank with about 4000 passengers on board in 1987, or the ship Wilhelm Gustloff whose sinking caused death to over 9000 persons in 1945.

By that time, Titanic was something special: it was a microcosm of the earlier 1920’s with its superb technology, its big social differences and its unabashed display of wealth and elegance. Its sinking incident has become, therefore, a symbol of the fall of arrogance itself.

The first class housed, among the others, the four richest men of the world surrounded by the extreme luxury just like in Grand Hotel suites: fitness room, heated pool and a Turkish bath attached. A must was an electrical horse and camel.

By contrast, only a couple of decks carried emigrants off: they were the poorest people on board and they went on search of a better new future in America – most of whom never arrived in.

Nowadays, many experts and fans of Titanic explain the exact circumstances of its sinking: social researchers found something about the incident and this represents a unique example in terms of social norms. Actually, even at a step from death, people still kept their own social status. Engineers and scientists are still looking for the truth to come out.

The new astronomic theory

A constellation might have influenced r even determined the Titanic catastrophe.

In January 1912, Sun, Earth and Moon were exactly aligned and in the same time Earth and Moon were particularly close as they had never been in the previous 1400 years. A point, this, that influenced the water and, as Donald Olson from the Texas State University writes in “Sky & Telescope” (March 2012), the tidal forces would have been extraordinarily powerful. This caused that the iceberg in the Arctic Sea, that normally stop in the calm waters in front of Newfoundland and Labrador Islands, would be pushed further towards South. Finally, one of them came into collision with Titanic.



April 1912: industry is at the top levels, economy is experiencing a flourishing time and technology is moving giant steps forwards. Titanic is to the history a symbol of ostentation: it is not only the masterpiece of shipbuilding, but also a gem of luxury and prestige.


Like two of the three “Olympic” class ships, it was launched by Harland & Wolff in the current north Belfast.






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